Coming Soon最新博格

「運動份子」系列是由Coming Soon自2005年製作,藉影片到不同單位播放分享,希望以社區電影(Community Film)形式分享,與觀影者直接交流對社會運動及拍攝紀錄片的想法。2009年11月中,我們建立了新博格,歡迎瀏覽:

2009年2月5日 星期四

Her Anti-WTO

I was blunt and asked her directly the moment I pressed the record button on the camcorder, “What's the WTO to you?”

Choi Fung reacted as if she was stung, and replied testily that I should not have asked this question. She said, rationally, she could list a hundred justifications for an anti-WTO stance, however she was not accustomed to operating this type of cause and consequence rationale. Her deeply held conviction was that the WTO is a mechanism with which strong countries bully weaker ones with unprecedented violence. This was what spurred her into undertaking anti-WTO activities.

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