Coming Soon最新博格

「運動份子」系列是由Coming Soon自2005年製作,藉影片到不同單位播放分享,希望以社區電影(Community Film)形式分享,與觀影者直接交流對社會運動及拍攝紀錄片的想法。2009年11月中,我們建立了新博格,歡迎瀏覽:

2009年2月5日 星期四

《why 馬國明?why Benjamin?》


Poster Design:Ahko


記錄片《why馬國明? why Benjamin?》敘述馬國明與曙光書店的前因後果。讀者戀戀難捨,馬國明頭也不回輕鬆上路。有人認為這是歷史任務的完成。歷史是什麼?是偶然與吊詭,還是經驗的不斷重複?或許,他的偶像班雅明會比較清楚。




DV 56分鐘 彩色

廣東話對白 中英文字幕


In the years to come, some may believe that was a golden era – young students who came in search of books and enlightenment; bibliophiles returning in the afternoon only after their morning visits; readers loitering, clutching new works by eminent writers, focused and admiring… They all say that behind the books is Ma Kwok Ming, a man who is uncompromising in his elite taste and choice. A modest bookshop filled with generations of people in loving search and exploration of theories, knowledge, and erudition. It is not certain if the era has progressed or regressed. On 24 June 2006, the bookshop held a farewell party. The only independent English academic bookshop in Hong Kong eventually arrived at its final stage after 28 persistent years.

This documentary, “why Ma Kwok Ming?why Benjamin?”, traces the wherefores and whys of Ma Kwok Ming and Twilight bookshop. While readers find it hard to let go, Ma Kwok Ming steps into the future with ease without turning back. Some think this is an accomplishment of a historical mission. But what is history? A series of chance and paradox, or a perpetual repetition of experiences? Maybe his idol, Walter Benjamin, will have a better idea.

Sponsor:Lucas Chang
Producer:Ho Chi Kwan
Director:Kong King Chu
DV / 56 Mins / Colour / Cantonese with Chinese/English Subtitles
Produced in 2006

2 則留言:

  1. 請問有什麼渠道可重溫這紀錄片?如要購買,辦法如何?

  2. 請問有什麼渠道可重溫這紀錄片?如要購買,辦法如何?
